Omolola Year In Review-2020

Fele Omolola
5 min readDec 31, 2020


It’s fair to say 2020 will not be remembered fondly.

“I think achievement is big and matured brother of lots of successes”.

We can aim in accomplishing certain aim or goals right?

But with time and maturity if you try to analyze the achievements you would pluck the one you think were transforming in nature.

The achievement could keep changing and modifying with length of life and experience.

Oh yes this bring me by writing about my year in review in 2020.

COVID-19 Abstract(When it all started in the months of March/April)

We all know about the current Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak, how it affected over 200 countries including Nigeria. which was one of the largest respiratory disease outbreaks affecting several countries simultaneously and a novel strain of Coronavirus that has been identified as the causative agent.

But So far 2020 seems to be hitting us with bad news after bad news causing a lot of despair, however, I made good use of the pandemic period to achieve my aim being an amazing developer and a designer. The coronavirus pandemic dominated tech — like all else — with many of us spending more time than ever in front of screens.

Highlights of my success story in the year 2020

I hope this will inspire and motivate you to do more in 2021

January- Febuary 2020

Before graduating from school, I love anything that has to do with technology, because it serves a variety of purposes and means different things to different people. In today’s world technology can be found at every corner.

Back then in school I attended lots of tech events, career talk etc. with the aim of going into a track after graduating from school.

So I started my graphics design journey in the month of January all thanks to Bolaji Osuolale for mentoring me on the track.

According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), He quote Graphic design is defined as “the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.” In other terms, graphic design communicates certain ideas or messages in a visual way.

Do you know why I chose this path? NO right? okay this is it

Graphics itself express my creativity every day. As well as picking colour palettes and choosing imagery and type. You also have to think ‘outside the box’ to solve challenging briefs. If you’re a creative type, with a good eye for detail, graphic design gives you the opportunity to bring your ideas to life.

And I believe exceptional graphic designers are always driven by passion, creativity, and love. We all know it is a great job–clean working environment, different projects, exceptional salary, a chance to express yourself in the work you do.

I learnt Graphics designs and started my front-end development journey in the month of February.

Summary of Febuary-December 2020 ( The Covid Months)

It all started when I joined DSC Unilag all thanks to Sodiq Akinjobi(Geek Tutor), I told him about my aim of joining DSC unilag and discussed with him if there will be any training on Front-End development in order to enhance my learning. BOOM after some weeks I came across ECX(Engineering Career Expo), ECX serves as a platform to fortify engineering students with the necessary tools to survive in the corporate world, despite the fact I wasn't part of UNILAG student, but because I want to achieve that aim, I had to give it all it takes, I joined the Front-End track, ECX gave me so much reason not to give up easily, I had to keep pushing, and all thanks to our amazing mentors…

It was so easy to dive into the track, and I belief we don't stop learning, I read articles, watch more videos and I do give my self tasks to do, and I got to realise that we dont stop learning/coding.

After few months of learning HTML, CSS AND JavaScript, I had lots of msg on social medias in order to train them on Front-End developments.

God so good I had the courage to train about 20 mentees and they are all doing well in their supposed track

After Front-End track I decided to take up UX/UI Designs

About UX/UI designs, I think it has been a whole lot. I love anything designs, art and creativity

I dived into UX/UI Designs to know more about it and I discovered there is more to it than just taking up your tool to design.

I tried networking with senior designers both on twitter and LinkedIn and it has been great so far, I had mentors i show my designs to for Critics and Corrections.

To sum it up I have been doing so well in the track, in order to enhance my growth and development in UX/UI design I applied for an internship role, and it was successful.

I got my first gig job in the month of October and I believe I have always heard the best way to get a job is through recommendation.

In the month of November I joined an amazing Software team( ALLPAC, CyberSpace, DeliveryNow Service).

Important life lessons learnt:

If I can do this then I believe you can do better

— Get that imposter syndrome out of your head. You’re the best version of yourself.

— Don’t hesitate when you should act

— Experience what you have learned

— Good things don’t come easy

— Never fail to try more

— Make every moment count

— Network with people ( networking will not only help you land a job faster, but it will give you a competitive edge throughout every stage of your career).

Words Of Encouragement to others:

At last, we’re headed into another new year! Most of us just want to forget 2020 and hope that 2021 fulfils the promises of economic recovery. January 1st is always seen as new opportunity.

Consider your resolutions as goals to accomplish during 2021. Goal setting is an important exercise for everyone, but specially for founders: without goals, startups and teams would just drift along. 2020 was a year where it seemed that we just leaped from one crisis to another and that uncertainty just demotivated many of us. So, this time around, goal setting will allow you to be proactive, instead of just being reactive, and these New Year’s resolutions can help you steer your team and bring your business to the next level.

Special Credits goes to:

Ademiluyi Aderola
Sodiq Akinjobi
Akinade Akinadeniyi

Bolaji Osuolale
Ajibulu Olorunfemi
Bami Ogunfemi
Abdullahi Abdulkabir
Olanshile Salami

Iweibo Samuel

I can’t list you all. Everyone one of you guys helped in one way, or the other has helped me grown.

Let me leave you with this quote:

“It’s never too late to make a career change!

Whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time or considering a new career choice after years of employment, it’s important to think about the potential you have to succeed in a given job and its overall demand.

When you analyze the job market, it’s easy to see that tech jobs and freelance contracts have a huge potential for growth and offer competitive salaries nationwide.”

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Fele Omolola

A UX designer who is passionate about using design to solve user-centered needs, FrontEnd Developer